According to the 6,268 attendees that had been questioned about their objective why they need to work, 99 percent answered; "they need to work to earn a living and bridge the gap of their growing financial capability." The worker should get a job to earn a living. In addition, as they work, they should be paid accordingly.

Let us try to look on the idea closer, a student's objective is to finish his/her studies. To achieve this, he/she should study hard, and the details of studying hard are: (1) should be always present in class, (2) participate in the class discussions and group works, and (3) do the homework, projects and other requirement for the course. The range of the objective of the student focuses merely on the course.

On the other hand, to achieve the worker's objective he/she should: (1) follow the company rules and regulations (CRR). Every worker follows the CRR. The range of objective focuses only on the worker's personal satisfaction. He/she gives only a bit of his thought on the company/factory where he/she gets the source of living.

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Let's try to imagine this analogous situation. There is a lake in a nearby village near a mountain where different species of fish abound. This lake produces enough fish for the villagers. As time passes by, the village grew doubling its population. The lake that had been producing fish for every table became source of recreation and playing grounds for the youngsters.

During the early stage of civilization, the father was the one responsible for the food of his family. The head of the family as breadwinners noticed that they were catching lesser and lesser fish from the lake. They became aware of the help the lake was extending to them. And so, an assembly was called, every member of the village young and old were required to attend. The leader discussed some problems, as earlier reported to him, on how to preserved the lake so as to produce again abundant fish for the increasing population. Policies, rules and regulations and some precautionary measures were introduced. The leader emphasized the importance of the lake as source of living. It was then agreed upon that these rules and regulations should be strictly observed, that who ever violates would be punished, and be exiled from the village if the degree of destruction created is severe. For just a short time, the lake was revived. But due to unavoidable circumstances, the villagers continue to cut trees from the mountain forest for their fuel, shelter or just to clean the land for their agricultural crops. The trees were no longer enough to hold the watershed, and the mountain was almost denuded. What do you think will occur if the mountains will be denuded$%: For just a few years, the lake that had been supplying fish for the villagers was gone.

Let us apply this scenario to the present situation. On the diagram, the workers source of living is the company. Every worker is required to follow the rules and regulations implemented by the company. But the behavior extended by the workers on how to follow the CRR differs from each other. On the part of he worker, they are following these CRR because it requires them to do so, so as to meet the quota. Not to mention that their minds are set that as they work they should be paid accordingly. And majority of the workers are not aware that a single mistake could ruin the entire production, that the only way to avoid such mistakes is for them to work harmoniously.

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