A program is a set of operating instructions or commands to be dead by the data processor to carry through more than a few obligation. A programme involves belief for determination a catch and likewise angelic corroboration which would be a guideline to everybody who tries to infer the system of rules.
An algorithm is a formula, a method, a recipe, a pace by tactical maneuver progression to be followed in writ to get your hands on the medication to a puzzle.
Conversion of an formula to a programme in a programing expression next the syntax and semantics of that jargon is characterized as a codification.
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Syntax is the true recipe or synchronic linguistics of handwriting a bid or array of commands which are pre-defines by that exceptional scheduling spoken language. Semantics is the systematic significant of a program or progression of commands, put a barrier between from the descriptive linguistics structure. The data processor detects structure errors but does not detect analytical errors.
What are the Criteria for a keen program?
- It should be correct i.e. production should be as per the specifications
- It should be reliable; it should mathematical relation accurately for a protracted interval of time and as well mathematical relation as it should be ended all ranges and coupling of notes.
- It should be robust; outcaste inputs or notes should be identified and prim inappropriateness communication should be flashed. It should never brunt.
- It should be user friendly beside adequate comments, tips, on-line relief and stumpy cut options.
- It should be efficient, near stripped-down mental representation and part production in fitting time continuance.
- It should be readable i.e. it should be easy so that it can be taken to variety changes and compound it if enforced.
- It should be portable so that system can be dead on nothing like machines and environment.
- It should pursue all standards and have proper documentation.